
One of the last I read an article together from Leo of Zen Habits is about ditching goals and expectation. Applying the lessons from the post made me pretty flexible and adaptive to most things. Reading the Bible also pointed against being anxious, impatient or believing in a fixed future.

Applying it to myself, I can say that I can do it to most things. For really important things like waiting for relationships to get patched up, I’m often stressed or depressed at the very thought of it. I know that God is in control and the best situations for our preparation will always have a match. My question is when. I’m both scared and excited about what’s to come.

Today I got another reminder that it’s not up to me. The Bible has been talking back more often these days.

As nervous as I am right now, I’ll have to chill an enjoy the ride.

What do you feel the need to let go of?

Thank you for reading.

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