There’s enought space in the world for you.

There’s no need to do things that keep you small.

There’s no benefit to taking the extra steps to keep what you are doing hidden.

I have a large pile of unused writing written on tiny paper.

I alwo have a growing pile of unutilized paper.

Writing big has enabled me to use my resources at a pace that I want.

I am not utilizing supplies instead of hoarding supplies.

The same is true for my ideas.

This practice allows me to shine my spotlight on one idea.

I’m just happy I can write more.

Write in bigger fonts.

Be confident.

Get that shit done.

Don’t try to save paper.

Use up your resources the way you want to live your life.

Don’t use up your life trying to save resources.

If you genuinely care about the plantet, a happy, productive you can make that happen.

Not the loser version of yourself trying to minimize your footprint by minimizing your existence.

Write big.

Use paper.

Use good tools.

Eat meat.

Live your life.

I digress.

See you again on another post.

Thank you for reading.

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