**I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.  ** **-  Jesus (John 16:33)**

For the longest time I believe that the only prerequisite to miracles was supernatural power. Three years ago I was in my friends house and while waiting for him I got to read Max Luccado’s book called God’s Mirror. The message was simple.  We are called to be God’s mirror. How we live our lives should reflect who God is and how awesome he. My attitude about relationships changed that day. I learned to transform my heart to never give up on people. Over time I developed and valued persistence and perseverance as a result. 

I asked myself how do I become God’s mirror without supernatural powers? I then scrapped the idea. Kept what I learned archived in my brain. Life went forward.

Years later, I find myself meditating on the lesson. In the past year my customers had been calling me a miracle worker. According to them I fix a lot of problems most of the other people can’t. I couldn’t accept it because other parts of my life had been a mess.

Is there a way for me to translate being a miracle worker in my job to the other areas of my life?

By miracle I mean getting to solve problems most people can’t or give up on.

I gather everything I’ve learned and who do we turn to for miracles and is the best person to learn from. Not Scotty from Star Trek. I’m referring to Jesus.

While Jesus was on earth people came to him for miracles. He always had a solution to whatever problem they came to him with. Up until today people come to him for problems. I do. Sometimes I get a mind blowing miracle,  an answer or a “wait for it”.  Sometimes I just go at it alone to my problems and get my ass kicked. Jesus just waits for me to reach for his hand so he can tag in. Over time I noticed something incredible about his personality.  No problem is bigger than him. Not just in principle. He actually lives it. Whatever it is, his response is also no problem.

The cynical me says of course he’s like that do you have any idea how powerful he is? Compared to him you can’t do shit.

Then the miracle worker in me responded.  You can’t imitate God’s power. Your cynical version is absolutely right. Many people have tried and failed but that’s not the point. That’s not your job anyway. You are, however allowed to imitate his attitude. Doing so enables  you to handle what your hands can and God will handle what your hands can’t. Sometimes He will lend you power. Sometimes he does something more amazing. Most times He combines both and is often the most exciting parts of my life. You don’t need to own power all the time. You and God are a two man team after all. Since you won’t give up and tap out from your problems, tag Him in so he can participate. Imitate the attitude not the power. You already are a miracle worker.

No matter how big a problem us you can face it. Problems should never shake you. Do not over react. Analyse the problem and gently pull out the root. See the verse at the top? Go back to it to remind yourself.

Thank you for reading.

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