I recently encountered a bunch of hassles. People who owe me money are giving me the silent treatment. I had to pay for a medical bill that cost about a month worth of my vacation budget. I wrecked three of my shoes. My face is swelling after my surgery and I have a date.

My normal reaction is to think of a few hundred plans and stress myself over how things are okay in the past and should be right now. I look at cause and effect. I look at what I can change next time. I think about time machines. As a result I’m both stressed and confused.

Nothing I do can fix this. The stress is totally unnecessary. Now what?

Whatever the situation is, it should be perfect. Thinking about this as I look at myself in the mirror my worry started to fade away. A new plan shows up. Stop pretending like you’re in control of everything. Just enjoy the next few days and continue experimenting with solutions. Take life as it comes.

Thank you for reading.

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