Post your notes on your blog.

Keep your private notes in text files.

I have successfully decluttered my room.

Now I’m confronting my office space.

I’ve been a compulsive note taker.

I’m writing for six different websites.

I’m juggling several projects at a time.

As of today I have 40k photos.

I have 20k emails.

I have 9,000 notes on my Evernote.

I have 500 notes on Google Keep.

I have 200 Text Notes of varying lengths.

I have enough paper notes to fill three large backpacks.

I could seriously use the extra space in the office right now.

In the process of paring down, some ideas fall off.

I probably rewrite something four or five times before it becomes a proper lesson that I share on my blog.

But in the process, it gets stuck in this storage space.

And it’s not very healthy mentally.

I just noticed this.

My brain recognizes blog posts as “done” or an accomplishment and that feels great.

However, my brain also recognizes note files as “processing” or “to do later” and this contributes to a heavy feeling.

So moving forward, I’m just adding my thoughts, lessons, learnings on my personal blog so I can free up some processing space.

Post your notes on your blog.

Keep your private notes in text files.

Thank you for reading.

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