The person who does not read have no advantage over the person who's unable to read - Mark Twain

Ever since I started working I always felt that I was at a disadvantage. As a kid my dad told me many times that I’ll be competing with people from different ages, many of them with genius level intelect and have graduated from the top schools in the Philippines and the world. After leaving college to start working, I noticed how different people were from the others when it comes to income. I have a few friends who make six figure income selling stuff and I have friends who have trouble making ends meet. I also noticed that my more successful friends tend to read more. My previous sales partner told me that reading a lot is the only way for him to stay at the top. I agree. I have a lot of friends who somehow feel that they have already learned everything they needed to learn and that studying is a chore that’s too much of a hassle for them. Sad to say, those are the same friends who come to me when they run out of money.

Reading causes us to gain ideas that may help us in times that we are stuck.

School forced us to read without teaching us the value of learning. I totally agree with you that a lot of our teachers sucked at that but you’re probably an adult now. What interests you? What topics do you think can help you improve your situation?

Hey if you know enough I’m sure you’ll know how to make enough money to support your dreams. The best way improve the future is to invent it and reading has taught me how to build my invented futures bit by bit.

The best mindset when reading is that you read for your benefit and not because it is required.

I read a lot. Roughly 150-200 short topics a day. I was informed that the son of one of the top 3 tycoons in the Philippines read about 50 different newspapers in different language from cover to cover daily and about 10-20 books per week. I’m not at that level yet but I’m trying to improve my situation.

Read. Be inspired. Take action and complete your learning.

Reading prepares you. Action transforms ideas into reality.

I’m reading this. What are you reading?

Thank you for reading.

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